Hello there!
How are you? I hope that all it's fine
As you know, the information about ngpc in general are little, and less on rom translation for this console. I would like translate or try to translate english>to roms.
Please, can someone tell me about what softwares o utils cam I use for this purpouse?
Best regards,
A huge information!
Yes, I want to translate to spanish some roms like Evolution or Card Fighters, someone RPG..
I read all pages as you say to me and finally with the HEdit of Yurisoft I can translate roms.
It's true that the ngpc scene is nearly to end..but people as us make it a little durable.
Thanks Flavor!!
There is a Portuguese translation of card fighters 1&2. I think that it could be a good basis for Spanish or at least help you a bit.
(04-17-2016, 02:18 AM)Flavor Wrote: [ -> ]There is a Portuguese translation of card fighters 1&2. I think that it could be a good basis for Spanish or at least help you a bit.
Ehmm..I think that is more easy translate english games to spanish than portugese to spanish, because the differences in language are huge.
I would like will be able translate from jap to another languages...but...not is a easy work..For the moment I'm translating Evolution to Spanish. You and your languge partners have good luck hehehehe, a lot of games has english as primary language!
Well, yes, maybe the language isn't better, but the guy has some good tools for Cardfighters.
You will start with Jap and translate to Spanish? Would you also translate Jap->English?
(04-20-2016, 02:00 AM)Flavor Wrote: [ -> ]Well, yes, maybe the language isn't better, but the guy has some good tools for Cardfighters.
You will start with Jap and translate to Spanish? Would you also translate Jap->English?
hopefully I can translate jap to english, but I not have the skills to do this :-( Let me check the portugese translations, maybe will be useful to use.
I use these
Tile layer - edit tiles easily.
Windhex - hex software with easy editing abilities.
Monkey-moore - to find English words or Japanese words , but also to build tables for windhex.