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Full Version: MAME Roms load but none of the buttons work.
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I am doing great with most of the other emulators, and was stumped once I got to MAME.   After being taken to task on which RomSet works with Retro Pie I have made some progress by getting them to load.  But once it loads none of the keys are recognized.  I have to power it off with the hard switch and then play something else.  Any insight on getting the arcade games to run?

I have them loaded in the mame-mame4all folder for the time being. 

Thanks in advance for the help!
So by deleting them out of the mame-mame4all folder and moving them to the mame-libretro folder it seems I can get them working. So I guess it is a false alarm for now. Thanks!
If you are using mame4all-pi, it is not a "lr-" emulator and therefore will not necessarily use the same config setups as the rest of the RetroPie system.

I'm definitely not saying this from experience, but my guess is that you'd have better luck with the "lr-" emulators listed at