Hello all... It's been a while, but I've recently been reminded of my original NGPC development stuff, so thought I'd start to revisit my original code. Although I have just sold my old flash linker, so I'm in emulation only nowadays.
I have a (sometime) blog where I'm starting to put up a revised version of my old coding blog, and I have also managed to steal all of my old source code off an old computer, including a few bits which never quite made it to the outside world (a better version of Robotron for starters). Nudge me for a onedrive link if you're interested.
Anyway, the blog is active now at
https://ahchayblog.wordpress.com/category/ngpc/ but I'll be dropping in here from time to time too. Am hoping, real life permitting, to revisit some old projects and maybe get one or two new things working too.
Thanks Ed, and thanks for the promotion over on twitter
I'll be trying to do one thing a week from now on - and have been working on actually turning Robotron into a playable game - rather than the very early version that has been public for years. I hadn't quite realised how much extra I'd done on that over the released version.
Nice to see you back in the small NGPc world Chris.
Cheers both. Yeah, I saw that Bezerk clone Ed - haven't had much chance to play it yet. Too busy trying to get Robotron into a completed state, but as you say always good to see something/anything on the old NGPC.
My tutorial series is getting there - two or three more blogs to come on that - it's been very useful just in terms of dusting off all these old memories and I've been working on some games alongside the blogs.
I've been busy tidying up my various project folders. This link contains up to date versions of Barbarian Invaders, Mr Do, Juno First, SameGame, Joust and Robotron. They're all "playable" if not fully complete
I'm also in the process of uploading source code to Github if anyone wants to see the source:
(I think that should work). Currently actively trying to nail down the last few bits of behaviour in Robotron and might then pick up a few other bits from there.
I have been asked to put together a quick article for
http://www.retrovideogamer.co.uk/ - of course I'll be pimping my own bits and bobs but it's also a chance to put the word out about the NGPC scene.
Any recommendations for things that I might have otherwise missed?
Oh, and the "tutorial" blog sequence is finished now at
http://ahchayblog.wordpress.com/category/ngpc - I'll be publishing detailed articles on some of the games over the next few weeks. Robotron, Joust and Samegame (latest versions all on the onedrive link above) - would also welcome any feedback, bugs or whatever if anyone does get a chance to play any of them.
me too i starting game developpment on neogeo pocket color
actually i using assembler : ASM900 (toshiba assembler) it worls well.
but i would like use now C compiler, for large project it's better !
i have follow your tutorial
https://ahchayblog.wordpress.com/2018/02/19/baby-steps/ on your blog
when i try make, this is the error
cc900 -c -O3 main.c -o main.rel
TLCS-900 C-Compiler (32) Version 4.23
Copyright© TOSHIBA CORPORATION 1994-1997 All rights reserved
cc900-Fatal-116: cannot execute "G:\NGPC\t900\bin\thc1"
make: *** [main.rel] Error 3
have you seen this error ?
what is THC1 ? is used by CC900...
i'm running under windows7 64bits
of course : THC1.EXE exist on my path : G:\NGPC\t900\bin
(04-14-2018, 07:17 AM)philhp Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,
me too i starting game developpment on neogeo pocket color 
actually i using assembler : ASM900 (toshiba assembler) it worls well.
but i would like use now C compiler, for large project it's better !
i have follow your tutorial
https://ahchayblog.wordpress.com/2018/02/19/baby-steps/ on your blog
when i try make, this is the error
cc900 -c -O3 main.c -o main.rel
TLCS-900 C-Compiler (32) Version 4.23
Copyright© TOSHIBA CORPORATION 1994-1997 All rights reserved
cc900-Fatal-116: cannot execute "G:\NGPC\t900\bin\thc1"
make: *** [main.rel] Error 3
have you seen this error ?
what is THC1 ? is used by CC900...
i'm running under windows7 64bits
of course : THC1.EXE exist on my path : G:\NGPC\t900\bin
Replace the T900 folder with
this one.