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Full Version: gba games lag and pi zero throttles
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idk why gba games are lagging... I loaded up games like pokemon emerald and the fp0 started to lag during the main intro and the back of the system is hot and that has never been a problem with my pi 3b even without heatsinks... idk why my fp0 is doing this... I got a freeplay zero to play my classic gba games on the go but, its impossible to do right now...  Sad
Are you connected to WiFi? Have you looked into rfkill at all? See
FIX: USE GPSP (not lr-psp) it will work like a regular gba should Big Grin
(02-24-2018, 01:32 PM)Flavor Wrote: [ -> ]Are you connected to WiFi?  Have you looked into rfkill at all?  See

thanks for helping out with my problem man, I appreciate it Smile