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Full Version: Has anyone Comodore64 on there GBZ?
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Has anyone successfully installed and running commodore64 on their GBZ? I'm really struggling to get it to work properly, it's very frustrating.

I haven't, sorry. Have you read over the RetroPie docs on C64 stuff?

Or checked out a video on the topic?
NOTE: His video uses Samba sharing to transfer files over the network. (I would just use a USB stick, but see if you wish to add Samba)

If so, what step are you having problems with?
(03-09-2018, 01:20 AM)Flavor Wrote: [ -> ]I haven't, sorry.  Have you read over the RetroPie docs on C64 stuff?

Or checked out a video on the topic?
NOTE:  His video uses Samba sharing to transfer files over the network.  (I would just use a USB stick, but see if you wish to add Samba)

If so, what step are you having problems with?

At one time the emulator ran, but couldn't get controls to work properly, I did the mapping of control to joy1 and 2 and mapped a button for changing joystick ports, but the controls are not sticking and are messed up every time. I reinstalled vice but now it's crashing everytime at the emulationstation loading screen.

Thanks for the links, although I already follow ETAPRIME's video I will start over from scratch and do everything again. I'll use the latest GBZ image from freeplay and install vice and see what happens.

I've read many posts on vice and it seems to be VERY sensitive. Once it runs never ever touch it again. It appears changing a setting or even just remapping can F things up. I will first try the binary install if that doesn't work upgrade to the latest using source.

Most video's I come across only showoff their build but not actually show the process or how to fiddle with it.
