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Hi there,
After several decades playing with Sega awesome Megadrive, I wanted to move on a handled system.
I, of course, first played with GameGear but, let's be serious, Sega made a anti Gameboy, not a great system.

Since I see the NeoGeo like the Megadrive big sister, I tried the NeoGeo Pocket : is it the same with the NeoGeo Pocket.
And well, i fall in love Wink

So, here we go, since a few tool exist and these few ones are no longer available or working on latest Windows, I made my own.
NGPRes is based on my experience with GenRes.

It include a resource compiler for the T900 compiler but, since it output ASM, I assume it could be used by anyone.

Version 0.1 support
PAL - extract a 4 colors pal
BITMAP - convert a 4 colors bitmap to tiles 
HIRES - convert a 7 colors bitmap to 2 lot of tiles, one per plane, especially for full screen, logo or title
FONT - convert a 4 colors bitmap to font (almost similar to BITMAP, but with less details)
SPRITESHEET - advanced feature to handle sprite animation, using spritesheet and animation details
MAP - import tilemap made with mappy

I hope the sample included will help anyone interested to use it and/or the T900 compiler. (src) (binary and sample rom)

Waiting for your comments....
I hope to work on SFX sound, but some many tools and doc are lost so it could take some times
Oh, wow. This is pretty cool. I haven't done any NGPC dev in a long time, but we should get some guys like @Ahchay, @Loïc, @sodthor, to check it out.

I'll post in this other thread about it. Maybe also check