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(09-26-2018, 03:16 AM)Flavor Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, good, Ordinary Vanity.  I saw the post over at the fbcp-ili9341 github.  I hope juj will address it there.  He's typically very good about that.

I have finally figured it out!

You want to know what the problem was the entire time? My damn video splashscreens!!! I noticed it would stop updating the LCD as soon as the splashscreen started, so there is either a weird resolution change there (unlikely) or omx player is taking over the DMA channels when it starts playing the splashscreen. I disabled my splashscreens, and it works perfectly now.

Dudes, this is amazing. I play this thing everyday, but having such a smooth frame rate just puts this device to a whole other level of awesomeness. Now I can stop bothering you haha!
Don't stop bothering us if you're posting helpful stuff for future forum visitors!!!

Thanks for the update. This is very good info.

Can you give a quick recap/overview of what settings and LCD option you're using now, just so we all know what you're optimal setup is?
(09-27-2018, 01:51 AM)Flavor Wrote: [ -> ]Don't stop bothering us if you're posting helpful stuff for future forum visitors!!!

Thanks for the update.  This is very good info.

Can you give a quick recap/overview of what settings and LCD option you're using now, just so we all know what you're optimal setup is?

Sure thing.

As of right now, I'm using your Freeplay image based on RetroPie 4.3, with a stock /boot/config.txt, stock Freeplayfbcp.cfg, no Emulation Station video splashscreen, with the new fbcpZero LCD driver.

I've reverted my /boot/config.txt to the stock config that comes with your image. Before, I had overclock settings in there to raise the core_freq up to 600MHz and a few others. The core_freq in particular will screw up the new LCD driver, because the divisor relies on the Pi's default 400MHz core_freq. I removed the rest of my overclock settings to minimize any interference.

I also had set the speed of the LCD as high as it would go (83310000 was the cap for me) to maximize the performance on the default driver. That is now at the default 80000000, just in case. My Freeplayfbcp.cfg is set to 60 FPS. Before, it was set to 120 to maximize speed of the default LCD driver.

I have disabled my splashscreen too. For some reason, having a video splashscreen will cause the display to stop updating with the new LCD driver. I have not tested a static splashscreen however. That very well could work fine with the new LCD driver. Maybe I will test this later.
And you're now using "fbcpZero" LCD driver, right?
(09-27-2018, 02:43 AM)Flavor Wrote: [ -> ]And you're now using "fbcpZero" LCD driver, right?
Ah yes, sorry. Edited my previous post.
Thank you very much. I think this is a good log/archive!
I finally got home and able to try this out. This is with the latest FPZ image. When I try to enable the new LCD driver and it reboots, all I get is the white screen. It's booted up and I can ssh in but just a white screen. Some how I don't think I'm getting the updated version from github.

While in SSH I type
git -C /home/pi/Freeplay/freeplayili9341 pull

And I get...
Already up-to-date.

But while using FileZilla I go to the directories where the new files should be and none of those are there from github, like fbcpZeroNoDMA.service or fbcpZeroNoDMA file

I have to manually load the default lcd driver through SSH so I able to see the screen again, but soon as I try to apply update and enable through the Menu and it reboots, I get the white screen again.
Hmmm. Weird. You could do this, just to be sure...

cd /home/pi/Freeplay/
mv freeplayili9341 freeplayili9341_old (check the actual folder name, in case it has some capitals in it, it may be 'mv FreeplayILI9341 FreeplayILI9341_old' or some such)
git clone

then you could
cd /home/pi/Freeplay/freeplayili9341
./  (or ./ for anyone that is trying this on a CM3)
Thanks Flavor,
That got me the latest version from git doing it that way which was weird.

On a side note, unfortunately like what Mootikins said about the fbcpZeroNoDMA driver. It runs but very very sluggish, unplayable.

I tried the "fbcpZero" LCD driver which I assume is "Exp Cropped for FP Zero" and upon reboot it boots to a white screen and stays stuck there. I can still ssh in so it's running, but that's it. I did run a boot up splash video and thought that was the cause after what Ordinary Vanity mentioned, but I disabled that and still have the frozen white screen.

Went back to default LCD driver and everything is back to working.

Only other setting I have on was in ES > Other Settings > Use OMX Player (HW Accelerated) is on, I wouldn't think that would effect anything when disabling splash boot up videos.
I am having the same problem as Sithel. Straight after a fresh flash of the latest FPZ image (18091302), I tried using the Exp driver in the RetroPie menu, and all I got after the reboot was a white screen.

I have tried to manually run fbcpZero, but I get the error shown in #15

If you guys find out a way to make this work, I'll be grateful

Thank you very much
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