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Full Version: Replacement Screen
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My LCD panel is damaged, still works but has backlight bleed in one corner. Can anyone advise which screen I need to purchase as the postage to the UK is too expensive just to order the screen.
A whole ago, I bought this one just in case :

Not exactly the same shell but on both I did received, same TFT panel and ribbon cable.
I just hope this is still the same model they sell now :S

I know what you mean, I live in France Smile
(06-15-2019, 07:00 PM)Porcinus Wrote: [ -> ]A whole ago, I bought this one just in case :

Not exactly the same shell but on both I did received, same TFT panel and ribbon cable.
I just hope this is still the same model they sell now :S

I know what you mean, I live in France Smile

Thanks for the info, just ordered.