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Full Version: Exp_Cropped Driver [Fixed!]
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Thank you!!!!!

Haha, I felt so bad. I'm so sorry for getting a crash course, but thank you so much- I learned a LOT from this, lol.

And hey- at least it's out there for the next guy who needs it, haha.
Great Smile

Don't worry about this Wink
Came back to comment that I finally found the right channels for OMX and this driver to play nice!

All I did differently on my cmake, was change:

with a new cmake looking like the following:

I now have video splashes, video screensavers, and gamelist videos working on the ili9341 driver, with OMX enabled on video playback!
(08-23-2019, 11:31 AM)Slow Catalyst Wrote: [ -> ]Came back to comment that I finally found the right channels for OMX and this driver to play nice!

All I did differently on my cmake, was change:

with a new cmake looking like the following:

I now have video splashes, video screensavers, and gamelist videos working on the ili9341 driver, with OMX enabled on video playback!

Is there a reason for you using "break_aspect_ratio.."? Isn't this breaking... aspect ratio of emulated games?
(08-28-2019, 04:54 AM)cpasjuste Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-23-2019, 11:31 AM)Slow Catalyst Wrote: [ -> ]Came back to comment that I finally found the right channels for OMX and this driver to play nice!

All I did differently on my cmake, was change:

with a new cmake looking like the following:

I now have video splashes, video screensavers, and gamelist videos working on the ili9341 driver, with OMX enabled on video playback!

Is there a reason for you using "break_aspect_ratio.."? Isn't this breaking... aspect ratio of emulated games?

Replying to myself, while "DISPLAY_BREAK_ASPECT_RATIO_WHEN_SCALING=ON" breaks aspect ratio (and i'm not a fan of this), it still is a better solution for daily usage, when not using a "fullscreen mod".
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