Hello everyone, I'm sure you have some advice on how to work around this. I got it all installed but GBA games won't load. It keeps going back to the RetroPie menu. But all the other console games work. I've tried GB, GBC, NES, and SNES.
Thank you in advance!
Finally figured it out, thanks. In the same vein, is it worth it to overclock the Pi0 to try smooth out the GBA emulation?
What emulator are you using? What speed SD card are you using (it can make a difference)? Did you try disabling the WiFi or Bluetooth?
can you share the working solution? I'm facing the same problem.
Ohhh, so when you installed another (maybe better) Bios file, it actually worked properly?! I was actually looking for some tutorials on youtube, and no one has actually said that we should try and download a better Bios file. I will try it, however I am not really sure it would actually work out. I have actually got my Freeplay CM3 DIY Kit rather recently, and I got no idea how to do everything on a proper way. I just want to remind myself of my childhood. I have even found some cheats on
rivalcheats.com for some games. I'll have to check them out
