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Full Version: Changing input issue
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Having an issue I couldn't find written about elsewhere. I try to Configure Inputs with the built in buttons, to reconfigure where the system believes A, B, X and Y are, and it accepts everything fine until I get after the left and right triggers. In the past, I would hold a button, and it would "skip" the inputs, and let me continue through until I got to setting up the hot key, and then everything would be mapped. At this time, it will not let me skip. 

I tried mapping a keyboard, and it was more than fine with letting me skip inputs on it. Any ideas?  Confused
Are you talking about Emulation Station?
I don't have my handheld on hand but if I remember it right, once you have set A and B, you can hold B button for a few seconds to skip current input definition.
(11-17-2020, 03:33 PM)Porcinus Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
Are you talking about Emulation Station?
I don't have my handheld on hand but if I remember it right, once you have set A and B, you can hold B button for a few seconds to skip current input definition.

Thanks for your reply!

Yes, I am using Freeplay Tech CM3; in the past, I was able to hold any button to skip the input, but now, no buttons will let me skip. I had just reimaged my SD card due to a screw up I had with an NES emulator, so it is a fresh image. Otherwise, it is all the same unit; buttons all work, just no skipping inputs.
Sorry, I didn't received any reply notification.
Sadly, it is the only way I am aware about :/
Hopefully, someone will be able to help you.