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Full Version: Compiling THC-900 on Linux?
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Hi everyone.

I've never seen it before but, it's posible compile a ngp homebrew on linux? I know that the current compiler for toshiba TCH 900 it's only for Windows systems, but I've holydays and I've my linux laptop.
I'm thinking about this improvement for linux developers

As a developer, I think that to do it possible, we need the compiler source, but, I'm not a high linux user and I don't know the possibilities like "linux subsytem on Windows"

Does the Toshiba compiler run in Wine? It seems like that might be an option.

I don't think it's open source, so you won't likely be able to compile it to run natively in Linux.
(12-28-2021, 05:01 AM)winteriscoming Wrote: [ -> ]Does the Toshiba compiler run in Wine? It seems like that might be an option.

I don't think it's open source, so you won't likely be able to compile it to run natively in Linux.

Well, in a first try, I had move all /BIN files from T900 directory to my .c project path. Then, chaging the make file adding a wine command for each .exe file, it works it.

.SUFFIXES: .c .asm .rel .abs
NAME = bastardsnw
OBJS = \
    mygame.rel \

$(NAME).ngp: makefile ngpc.lcf $(OBJS)
    wine tulink.exe -la -o $(NAME).abs ngpc.lcf system.lib $(OBJS)
    wine tuconv.exe -Fs24 $(NAME).abs
    wine s242ngp.exe $(NAME).s24

    wine cc900.exe -c -O3 $< -o $@

    del *.rel
    del *.abs
    del *.map
    del *.s24

(12-28-2021, 07:57 AM)KeiDash Wrote: [ -> ]Well, in a first try, I had move all /BIN files from T900 directory to my .c project path. Then, chaging the make file adding a wine command for each .exe file, it works it.

If you set the THOME environment variable (like in windows but with the unix path) you won't have to copy the bin.
I added the line below to my .bashrc file

export THOME=/home/thor/ngpcdev/T900
Good idea Thor, now I can compile without copy all files on the same directory.

I forgot that I can use environment paths to do it xD