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How to create Sprites For NGPC?
Hey yall, so i am planning on making a sprite test for the ngpc but what program is best for creating ngpc sprites? why do i ask this question. because i after i make a sprite test for the neo-geo pocket color, i wil try to make my own game for the ngpc. but anyways how do i create the sprites for the ngpc?
Maybe you can try NeoTile
From Chris Ahchay's blog, a tutorial:
There is a link to his one drive to download the software.
You can use any software that allow you draw in pixel art, something like Photoshop, PyxelEdit, Paint, etc. To convert an image to a compatible ngpc c code, you can use this software that I made.
(03-24-2022, 04:50 AM)KeiDash Wrote: You can use any software that allow you draw in pixel art, something like Photoshop, PyxelEdit, Paint, etc. To convert an image to a compatible ngpc c code, you can use this software that I made.

thanks for the comment, i will try to get the ball rolling on making sprites next week!
Update: so anyways i tried to convert a sprite, and it gave me 2 error messages. the errors say: - screen plane not established.
- at least one color is required. IDK what to do so can you guys help me please!
(06-16-2022, 01:52 AM)NeoGeoFreak2004 Wrote: Update: so anyways i tried to convert a sprite, and it gave me 2 error messages. the errors say: - screen plane not established.
- at least one color is required. IDK what to do so can you guys help me please!

It seems to be related to "Required parameters":r
     FILEPATH        give de complete path of the tiled image.
     PLANE           sets the destination plane of the console. Possible options
                     are PS = SPRITE_PLANE, P2 = SCR_2_PLANE, P1 = SCR_1_PLANE.
     RGBCOLOR1       a minimun required color. Sets the R G B color without
                     Alpha channel. Format => R,G,B. Example 128,2,88.
As explained in the examples, you have to give the colors to use (1 minimum and up to 3):

bitmap2ngp.exe ./tiledImage.png PS 68,68,68 100,145,255 255,0,0

Reading the product documentation is sometimes useful...
UPDATE: I Just made my first sprite via bitmap2ngpc. but here is the problem, i want to include it in my c code! idk what to do anymore. so, can you guys help me please?
Hey sodthor or KeiDash,

Could you guys help NeoGeoFreak2004? I haven't done this for many years now.

I assume that bitmap2ngpc is outputting a .c or .h file.

Then, as they mention in, you can do something like [#include "faces.c"] in your C code. Is that correct?

I just looked at and it seems to have options (-I, -P, -D) that generate some code that are not just a header like the "I'll get you" article shows.

NeoGeoFreak2004, maybe you can post the output that bitmap2ngpc produced and the commandline you used.
Card Fighters' Clash 2 English Translation ( )
Neo Geo Pocket Flash Cart and Linker Project ( )
Avatar art thanks to Trev-Mun ( )
Sorry i don’t remember what the command was but I know the output, it outputted a .c file for the converted sprite.
I assume the .c file will have the sprite (as an array) and maybe some code to load the sprite.
Card Fighters' Clash 2 English Translation ( )
Neo Geo Pocket Flash Cart and Linker Project ( )
Avatar art thanks to Trev-Mun ( )

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