07-18-2018, 07:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-18-2018, 07:35 AM by Cleantex (Dragu).)
For the brightness controller I have small idea, as it seems gpio 8 is triiggered when you push short during powered GBA the Power Switch. As HK plays less role in Recalbox this could be used to start the brightness controller that generate a pop-up window. I think this could work and also again no modifications necessary in Recalbox. I want to arrive to the state of just a handfull of addons to a standard RB installation. For the moment is really not alot as the new mk_arcade_joystick.ko is full custom descripted in the recalbox.conf configuration file. Same as fbcp-ili9341 what is just an executable. As I told, my mods are based on a release from 300318, in between also netplay integrated. But I am in general always some versions behind and like this they are mostly errorfree.