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NeoGPC v1.1.0 - (11/9/2013)
After playing around with MESS over the holidays, I believe MESS does everything I was striving for with NeoGPC in terms of the debugger and emulation portion. I'm not sure what the next step will be, but I really should have tried playing around with MESS before I started this thing in the first place Smile

I'm now sort of conflicted on the next steps of this thing, but its been a very enlightening learning experience.
(12-31-2013, 12:45 PM)Cthulhu32 Wrote: After playing around with MESS over the holidays, I believe MESS does everything I was striving for with NeoGPC in terms of the debugger and emulation portion. I'm not sure what the next step will be, but I really should have tried playing around with MESS before I started this thing in the first place Smile

I'm now sort of conflicted on the next steps of this thing, but its been a very enlightening learning experience.

Mednafen is also excellent for ngpc as well. For android, NGP.emu is good also.
(12-31-2013, 12:45 PM)Cthulhu32 Wrote: After playing around with MESS over the holidays, I believe MESS does everything I was striving for with NeoGPC in terms of the debugger and emulation portion. I'm not sure what the next step will be, but I really should have tried playing around with MESS before I started this thing in the first place Smile

I'm now sort of conflicted on the next steps of this thing, but its been a very enlightening learning experience.

On one hand, that may seem like a costly (maybe humorous) mistake in terms of time spent on something that already exists.

However, having worked on this sort of stuff myself, it seems that none of this stuff ends up being worthless. All the skills and info you obtain working on something like this ends up being valuable all your life. In fact, if you only looked at it as something to add to your resume, it would be a great project.

Anyway, I think it would still be worthwhile to continue on this, but only you can decide that. NGP.emu (as fpcreator2000 mentioned) is a good example of a direction you could go with this. If you can compile it for Android (or other mobile devices), I think there's a market for it.

Heck, NGP.emu just uses the NeoPop source code, puts his own front-end for touch-screen control on it, and sells it through Google Play. I guess there's even a free "version" of it from another guy
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(12-31-2013, 12:45 PM)Cthulhu32 Wrote: I'm now sort of conflicted on the next steps of this thing, but its been a very enlightening learning experience.

I've always found MESS to be a bit counter-intuitive. I haven't used it in ages, so things might have changed, but that still doesn't change the fact that I prefer emulators dedicated to specific platforms. Do one thing, but do it right.

I would still like to see a finished NeoGPC one day, so I'll keep my fingers crossed in hoping you'll keep improving it further.

P.S. - Even though this might not be the right thread for this, HAPPY NEW YEAR! And I hope you had fun during Christmas!
Thanks for the encouraging words guys. Yeah I don't think I'm ready to throw in the towel yet, and I think I'm actually encouraged that MESS is able to completely handle the BIOS. This means that Judge and whoever else worked on the emulator was able to solve some of the issues I saw with the tlcs900h, so I can hopefully mimic those and keep going without having to do a lot of heavy experimentation/resolution. MESS still can't pass Mic's timing tests, so I think that will be one of my main goals for NeoGPC.

I also need to do some form of quick homebrew cause I'm getting the game dev itch Smile I'm thinking something simple, maybe a Dr. Mario clone?
(01-03-2014, 01:50 AM)Cthulhu32 Wrote: I also need to do some form of quick homebrew cause I'm getting the game dev itch Smile I'm thinking something simple, maybe a Dr. Mario clone?

It's too late for a Merry Christmas or a Happy New Year demo, so why not? There's a freshly released Dr. Luigi out there, so I'd make this one Nurse Peach. Sounds kind of hot.
All the NGPC emulators I've tried (I don't think I've tried MESS, though) are pretty much useless for audio-related development, probably largely due to the fact that their timing is way off.

So I for one think that an accurate NGPC emulator with a debugger would be useful.
11/9/2013 was the latest release

I hope that this emulator is still alive. Take your time. This is going to be the best emulator of all time.
The version 1.1.0 wont allowed me to view the "VRAM Viewer". The debug is not still fully just yet, right ?
I've returned from the dead! Well, more like a company re-structuring that resulted in me taking up a new career and having very little time for side-projects.

Anyway, yeah the latest version is all place holders (including the VRAM viewer). I'm thinking about picking up this project again and seeing if I can learn from the MESS emulator debug code. My first goal really should be writing a Tetris clone as this is the best hello world homebrew out there.

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