eduke32 not launching
(11-16-2019, 07:54 AM)Porcinus Wrote: So, I reinstalled it on my CM3 via Retropie setup > Manage package (from binary) and the port is able to run without any modifications (all bind need to be done).

'/home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ports/duke3d' content only duke.rts and duke3d.grp

Do you have any tips on how to bind controls?
Push the 2 attached file into '/home/pi/.config/eduke32' and remove '.txt' extension.

Most thing look to work but not the start button to open menu :/

Config come from here :
It is supposed to work with 360 controller, MK driver work a similar way

Attached Files
.txt   eduke32.cfg.txt (Size: 2.22 KB / Downloads: 0)
.txt   settings.cfg.txt (Size: 2.44 KB / Downloads: 0)
eduke32.cfg is the interesting file to edit the joystick binding.
To know the physical buttons/axis vs JoystickButton/JoystickAnalogAxes, run 'jstest /dev/input/js0' thru SSH.
(11-16-2019, 08:52 AM)Porcinus Wrote: Partial...
Push the 2 attached file into '/home/pi/.config/eduke32' and remove '.txt' extension.

Most thing look to work but not the start button to open menu :/

Config come from here :
It is supposed to work with 360 controller, MK driver work a similar way

Excellent, thanks for the help! I'll give these a try.

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