(02-27-2018, 11:12 AM)wyndcrosser Wrote: Nice work, I did some work on this, but looks like you're a lot further then me. What are you missing now?
I'm still missing the texts from party members dialogs. (and thus it's translation)
The way they managed them is a little odd. It's address + offset based, the offset coming from a table + some computation, but the main address not directly readable...
It's something like LD XIY,(0x22F008), whereas all other cases I've seen are like LD XIY, 0x23AA1B (the value at 0x22F008 address).
I'm also missing all the licence/job related parts. I did a partial translation of their menu.
A few lines of the main story are untranslated. I think I should manage to guess them... And the main story text must be adapted to feel more "natural".
Find everything else I may have missed

Properly rewrite the name input function. And once the game is playable, see if I can change the text display functions tu use smaler and proportional fonts.
write a trainer, the first non random encounter was really tough, even with an enhanced character.
Edit : all the missing text should be extracted now.