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WS Flash Masta v4.4 (early adopter version)
'llo here
Flavor, no, i have the old desig, the one with the blue flasher Linkmasta. I am an old follower Smile I'll have to upgrade and buy your new design one day.

But i come closer to success now.
I tried on another computer, really older, running XP pro. The WS Flashmasta LED glows now (before it was just blinking once then stay Off) and Zadig could find it (so it may come from the USB chipset as Loïc said).
First I couldn't install drivers, always failing. Actually, it seems that it cames from the folder where Zadig was. It was "too deep" it folder tree structure (i hope you understand).
i copied Zadig.exe to the root of my HDD and it installed drivers flawlessly Smile
But now i'm stuck once again. I can't start NeoLinkMasta soft, as Windows tell me that it's not a "Valid Win32 application".
I installed the Runtime Redistibutable (i know it's not related but...)
Anyway, i could'nt use FlashMasta soft..
So i have a computer that runs NeoLinkMasta but cant' see WS FlashMasta, and another that recognize WS FlashMasta but can't run NeoLinkMasta...
Any tip ?
See ya !

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RE: WS Flash Masta v4.4 (early adopter version) - by MockyLock - 06-04-2016, 07:45 PM

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