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WS Flash Masta v4.4 (early adopter version)
(06-11-2016, 06:45 AM)rosewood Wrote: Flavor, do you have some time for comments on my questions/findings?

(06-04-2016, 06:32 AM)rosewood Wrote: 1. Even if I didn't sign anything, but are we under some kind of NDA? Or are we allowed to post pictures and experiences to social media and/or to our blogs?
2. Will the time to flash a rom to a slot be improved?
3. Cart: The LED "DS1" is red constantly when connected to USB. No change when flashing a rom.
4. Program: The default file type is *.wsc. --> please change it to *.*
5. Program: The exe has no icon
6. Menu: No file names, it's always xx - xxxx
7. Menu: No reaction to the upper buttons (Y1-Y4)
8. Menu: No wrap around, i.e. up on first item doesn't go to the last item and vice versa

Sorry, rosewood. I'm really sorry for not answering. I read your post on my phone. I just spaced out the reply, since I'm not hopping on the laptop as much as normal. I'll be back to normal later this week.

1- Yes, I should have addressed this ASAP. Please post what you want wherever you want. They say no publicity is bad publicity, right?

2- Hmmm. That's hard to guess. I'd think that it's about as fast as the microcontroller and flash chip can communicate, but there's always a chance, I guess.

3- Only one of the LEDs can be controlled by the microcontroller. We can make that one do what we want while in USB mode. It could flash while writing to the cart or whatever. In console mode, it is usually driven by the console itself, but it can be put in a debugging mode where the microcontroller can drive it.

4- Yes, this is definitely on the TODO list. It bugs me, too.

5- Yeah, we need a good icon for this one, too.

6- See #4.

7, 8- These should be easy to implement, but I think the menu will be redone in C. Currently it's all ASM, and it's a bit more tricky to develop. It will probably be redone in C with some ASM for the actual slot switching. Then we can come up with some cool way to get the slot titles and such and add features more easily in C code.
Card Fighters' Clash 2 English Translation ( )
Neo Geo Pocket Flash Cart and Linker Project ( )
Avatar art thanks to Trev-Mun ( )

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RE: WS Flash Masta v4.4 (early adopter version) - by Flavor - 06-15-2016, 12:12 AM

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