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WS Flash Masta v4.4 (early adopter version)
(08-16-2016, 08:36 PM)Chael Wrote: Hi, so this new version will have the same issues explained by an user on page 8, with a small but serious amount of games not working at all, and another amount of games not saving? Will this be fixed down the road?

I feel like this should be explained more on the website order page, as people might be expecting near full compatibility.

Chael, you are correct that this version will have all the same issues as the previous cartridge. When I get to my desk, I will try to point this out better in the purchase page.

I'm sorry if this wasn't clear. It was not intentionally hidden. I don't want anyone to be surprised about any deficiencies here.
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RE: WS Flash Masta v4.4 (early adopter version) - by Flavor - 08-16-2016, 11:27 PM

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