01-31-2018, 04:56 PM
(01-27-2018, 03:05 AM)WiFi Disable Question: Wrote: Please see http://forum.freeplaytech.com/showthread...475&page=4
Thanks, with rfkill I can toggle WiFi and Bluetooth through RetroPie menu. Unfortunately, the WiFi module is still "active". Using "dtoverlay=pi3-disable-wifi" will disable the module itself, so software can't reactivate it. I can not prove it, but I suspect that the solution with "rfkill" still consumes power/performance.
I would like to pick up a few ideas from the "rfkill" solution to implement another idea. I want to write scripts that will modify settings files:
- disable-wifi.sh
- disable-bt.sh
- enable-wifi.sh
- enable-bt.sh
- /home/pi/wifi-settings.txt
- /home/pi/bt-settings.txt
Disadvantage: With this solution, the device must be restarted for the settings to take effect... It's OK for me...
My problem is:
I mount my boot partition readonly to avoid SD corruption. So I can't modify my /boot/config.txt directly. My idea is to "include/load" my 2 custom settings files through config.txt, so I have to modify my config.txt only once (make boot partition writeable -> modify config.txt -> make boot partition readonly again).
I don't know how to include/load my custom settings files through config.txt!?

I've described my issue here, too: