02-24-2018, 04:10 AM
so lakka is built on libreELEC, so it's preeetty hardened with squashfs, and I haven't the slightest idea how to work with squashfs (even after asking google), so I'm working around it.
I've found: http://ryepup.unwashedmeme.com/blog/2014...-openelec/ which is for getting gpio and wiringpgi libs on openelec.
I copied over the following libs (unfortunately I learned the hard way that I also need need libconfig):
then run fbcp.sh:
but if I run Freeplay-fbcp directly,
that's all I got for the screen.
I'd like to test the gpio, but I don't know what to do for that. running gpio directly just gives me a commands overview. Am I going to need to install the kernel extension for that? Or can I test it-or even launch it, using openelec's autostart.sh? (basically their init)
I've found: http://ryepup.unwashedmeme.com/blog/2014...-openelec/ which is for getting gpio and wiringpgi libs on openelec.
I copied over the following libs (unfortunately I learned the hard way that I also need need libconfig):
then run fbcp.sh:
Lakka:~/ # ./.config/Freeplay/fbcp.sh
./.config/Freeplay/fbcp.sh: .: line 23: can't open '/lib/init/vars.sh'
but if I run Freeplay-fbcp directly,
Lakka:~/ # export PATH=$PATH:/storage/bin
Lakka:~/ # Freeplay-fbcp
Freeplay-fbcp: error while loading shared libraries: libwiringPi.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Lakka:~/ # export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/storage/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Lakka:~/ # Freeplay-fbcp
(null):0 - file I/O errorLakka:~ #
that's all I got for the screen.
I'd like to test the gpio, but I don't know what to do for that. running gpio directly just gives me a commands overview. Am I going to need to install the kernel extension for that? Or can I test it-or even launch it, using openelec's autostart.sh? (basically their init)