Trouble updating...
I am running an image I built myself via the directions, not downloaded from FreePlay.

I can't seem to update anything. The first thing I figure I need to tackle is the RetroPi Setup Script. I get the error...

Update failed:
     d453cls..691b8b3    master     ->
error: Your local changes to the
following files would be
overwritten by merge:

Any ideas what is happening? I can't find much info online. Thanks for your time.
Whatever you are running SEEMS to be trying to pull the latest data from the retropie-setup github repository.

Your files have "local" changes, meaning someone (maybe you) edited those files. Now you are trying to run the script that updates the setup script (I'm guessing), and it doesn't want to overwrite your local changes.

.github/ That doesn't seem like a file you'd care about overwriting.
The rest are configurations and scritps for performing a retropie update, I think.

I'm guessing that you're trying to run
sudo /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/
and telling it to update all installed packages. Maybe you don't need to update the packages. If you don't, maybe just skip it?
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(04-26-2018, 09:01 AM)Flavor Wrote: Whatever you are running SEEMS to be trying to pull the latest data from the retropie-setup github repository.

Your files have "local" changes, meaning someone (maybe you) edited those files.  Now you are trying to run the script that updates the setup script (I'm guessing), and it doesn't want to overwrite your local changes.

.github/ That doesn't seem like a file you'd care about overwriting.
The rest are configurations and scritps for performing a retropie update, I think.  

I'm guessing that you're trying to run
sudo /home/pi/RetroPie-Setup/
and telling it to update all installed packages.  Maybe you don't need to update the packages.  If you don't, maybe just skip it?

Thanks for the advice. I figured much of the same. Problem is that I only touched what the directions told me to. I was hoping it was something from your directions. Oh well. Maybe the original image had flaws. Guess I'll give up on this one as it is way above my abilities.

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