09-06-2018, 03:02 AM
I just burned the latest image to the SD card. I booted it up, ssh'd in, and did this...
It seems to have worked fine. I'm wondering if you guys did a different update or something before running this. I want to figure it out, so I can come up with a fix/workaround ASAP. Maybe I'll try doing an update via RetroPie and then re-running this.
pi@retropie:~ $ cd /home/pi/Freeplay
pi@retropie:~/Freeplay $ mv mk_arcade_joystick_rpi mk_arcade_joystick_rpi_old
pi@retropie:~/Freeplay $ git clone https://github.com/TheFlav/mk_arcade_joystick_rpi.git
Cloning into 'mk_arcade_joystick_rpi'...
remote: Counting objects: 470, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (20/20), done.
remote: Total 470 (delta 9), reused 6 (delta 0), pack-reused 450
Receiving objects: 100% (470/470), 1.33 MiB | 2.56 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (264/264), done.
pi@retropie:~/Freeplay $ cd mk_arcade_joystick_rpi
pi@retropie:~/Freeplay/mk_arcade_joystick_rpi $
pi@retropie:~/Freeplay/mk_arcade_joystick_rpi $ ./install.sh
Error! There are no instances of module: mk_arcade_joystick_rpi located in the DKMS tree.
-------- Uninstall Beginning --------
Module: mk_arcade_joystick_rpi
Kernel: 4.14.52-v7+ (armv7l)
Status: Before uninstall, this module version was ACTIVE on this kernel.
- Uninstallation
- Deleting from: /lib/modules/4.14.52-v7+/updates/dkms/
- Original module
- No original module was found for this module on this kernel.
- Use the dkms install command to reinstall any previous module version.
DKMS: uninstall completed.
Deleting module version:
completely from the DKMS tree.
Error! There are no instances of module: mk_arcade_joystick_rpi located in the DKMS tree.
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
cpp-4.7 is already the newest version (4.7.3-11+rpi1).
dkms is already the newest version (2.3-2).
gcc-4.7 is already the newest version (4.7.3-11+rpi1).
joystick is already the newest version (1:1.6.0-1).
raspberrypi-kernel-headers is already the newest version (1.20180703-1).
wiringpi is already the newest version (2.46).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Creating symlink /var/lib/dkms/mk_arcade_joystick_rpi/ ->
DKMS: add completed.
Kernel preparation unnecessary for this kernel. Skipping...
Building module:
cleaning build area....
make -j4 KERNELRELEASE=4.14.52-v7+ all KVERSION=4.14.52-v7+.....
cleaning build area...
DKMS: build completed.
Running module version sanity check.
- Original module
- No original module exists within this kernel
- Installation
- Installing to /lib/modules/4.14.52-v7+/updates/dkms/
DKMS: install completed.
It seems to have worked fine. I'm wondering if you guys did a different update or something before running this. I want to figure it out, so I can come up with a fix/workaround ASAP. Maybe I'll try doing an update via RetroPie and then re-running this.
Card Fighters' Clash 2 English Translation ( http://cfc2english.blogspot.com/ )
Neo Geo Pocket Flash Cart and Linker Project ( http://www.flashmasta.com/ )
Avatar art thanks to Trev-Mun ( http://trevmun.deviantart.com/ )
Neo Geo Pocket Flash Cart and Linker Project ( http://www.flashmasta.com/ )
Avatar art thanks to Trev-Mun ( http://trevmun.deviantart.com/ )