nuke_arg: I need to be quick, so I apologize for the shortness.
This line can not have extra spaces. Try this.
options mk_arcade_joystick_rpi map=4 gpio=4,17,27,22,10,9,25,24,23,18,15,14,2,19,26,-1,-1 hkmode=2
Also, show us the output from this command when logged into the machine.
dmesg |grep mk_arcade
Are you using a Freeplay CM3 as your bartop?
This line can not have extra spaces. Try this.
options mk_arcade_joystick_rpi map=4 gpio=4,17,27,22,10,9,25,24,23,18,15,14,2,19,26,-1,-1 hkmode=2
Also, show us the output from this command when logged into the machine.
dmesg |grep mk_arcade
Are you using a Freeplay CM3 as your bartop?
Card Fighters' Clash 2 English Translation ( )
Neo Geo Pocket Flash Cart and Linker Project ( )
Avatar art thanks to Trev-Mun ( )
Neo Geo Pocket Flash Cart and Linker Project ( )
Avatar art thanks to Trev-Mun ( )