Tips and tricks for Pixel Perfect emulation?
Hi guys.

So I'm really enjoying my Freeplay CM3 from, but I feel I could go a step further as to configure this thing to have Pixel Perfect emulation as an option.

Is there any way to do that without having to disable the custom viewport that fits the screen space inside the window of the glass screen? I know the screen itself is 320x240 but that gets cropped to 304x203 pixels.

What would be a good config to do in order to still be able to see the emulationstation menu without cropping and be able to use integer scales with no smoothing or jagged pixels?

I know there is one guy on Reddit that posted pictures of his pixel perfect CM3, but he never posted how he did it.
(12-01-2018, 10:45 AM)rodrigomuller Wrote: Hi guys.

So I'm really enjoying my Freeplay CM3 from, but I feel I could go a step further as to configure this thing to have Pixel Perfect emulation as an option.

Is there any way to do that without having to disable the custom viewport that fits the screen space inside the window of the glass screen? I know the screen itself is 320x240 but that gets cropped to 304x203 pixels.

What would be a good config to do in order to still be able to see the emulationstation menu without cropping and be able to use integer scales with no smoothing or jagged pixels?

I know there is one guy on Reddit that posted pictures of his pixel perfect CM3, but he never posted how he did it.

I'm fairly sure that was me! Unfortunately though, I am aware of no way to easily setup pixel perfect emulation.

I accomplished it by cutting away more of the shell (specifically the area under the glass cover) and some of the inside so I could align the screen correctly. Then I configuredĀ a version of the high-speed display driver without borders and changed settings in RetroArch on a per-emulator basis.

I think juj (the original author of the driver) had some settings on the github page ( I believe) and talked about making NES pixel perfect without cutting away the shell.
(12-01-2018, 11:20 AM)Mootikins Wrote: I'm fairly sure that was me! Unfortunately though, I am aware of no way to easily setup pixel perfect emulation.

I accomplished it by cutting away more of the shell (specifically the area under the glass cover) and some of the inside so I could align the screen correctly. Then I configuredĀ a version of the high-speed display driver without borders and changed settings in RetroArch on a per-emulator basis.

I think juj (the original author of the driver) had some settings on the github page ( I believe) and talked about making NES pixel perfect without cutting away the shell.

Damn, wish it was easier. Thanks for the prompt response, Mootikins.

I have currently set the retroarch video options without bilinear filtering and am using the sharp-bilinear-simple for all emulators. Image is almost perfectly crisp, so it already gives a really good feel of what pixel perfect would be on this beast.


One can only dream.

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