Programs to display information to LCD framebuffer
Found a very simple way for screen overlay, the trick is to use OMX.

Some file need to be created for the test:
00:00:00,00 --> 00:00:05,00
Battery: 4.20v - 72Mbits - 18:51

Convert attached png to avi:
ffmpeg -loglevel panic -y -loop 1 -i black.png -t 5 -r 5 -vf scale=16:-2,setsar=1:1 -force_key_frames 1 black.avi

Run OMX:
omxplayer --no-osd --no-keys --alpha 150 --layer 2000 --win 0,0,1024,50 --align center --font-size 750 --no-ghost-box --subtitles black.avi

Attached Files
.png   black.png (Size: 124 bytes / Downloads: 54)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Programs to display information to LCD framebuffer - by Porcinus - 12-13-2018, 03:43 AM

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