Image struggle bus
I have been reading through this forum for a while now trying to find a better way to get a pre-built image to work. I am not the best at the script writing and such and have not been able to get it to work using the instructions. Can anyone pm me a link to a working pre-built image for the freeplay zero or a different way or video on changing the config files? 

Thanks much!
You should use file on main website:
Last one for Zero is Freeplay_Zero_18091302.img.gz

Once file is download, extract it (WinRAR or other compatible software) then you should have Freeplay_Zero_18091302.img

Burn it on a SD card using Win32DiskImager or similar software.
Im asking about a custom image made by someone else with themes and everything already on it. Not the stock image that i would then add roms and themes to

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