Finished my first build! But have a black border on the left side of the screen

I've just finished my first build. Used the Boxypixel case along with the Freeplay screen lens that was shipped with my Freeplay CM3.

It looks and feels awesome, but the screen resolution seems a bit weird. There's a black border on the left of my screen. I tried changing the display drivers and I get an error message reading "failed to stop fbcp services", after which it finishes some stuff and shuts down. 

I'm running the latest version of the image on the website.

What to do?

Edit: Spoke too soon! Just found the boot file you can edit the axis in.
Hey Urya!

Did you run through the process shown here?

That full-screen driver should work by itself. You shouldn't need to edit the axis stuff.

If you use our "default" LCD driver, then you would want to edit those settings.

You said, "after which it finishes some stuff and shuts down." After that, when you rebooted it, did it use the full screen or were there still borders?
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I saw that video, but those instructions are for the Boxy lens. I’m using the Freeplay lens with traditional GBA dimensions.

I never touched the filled setting because of that. But seems like I just needed to edit the file. Looks perfect now!
Oh, yeah, I just misunderstood. You got it right.
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