07-27-2019, 06:10 AM
In order, after sshing in (meaning you should be connected to the internet):
cd Freeplay/FreeplayILI9341
git pull
ls (to see all the available files, there are now 4 CM3 binaries; fbcpCropped, fbcpFilled, fbcpCroppedNoSleep, fbcpFilledNoSleep)
sudo systemctl stop fbcp[Filled/Cropped]
sudo cp fbcp[Filled/Cropped]NoSleep /usr/local/bin/fbcp[Filled/Cropped]
sudo systemctl start fbcp[Filled/Cropped]
To switch back, just replace the binary in /usr/local/bin/ with the version that doesn't have NoSleep.
cd Freeplay/FreeplayILI9341
git pull
ls (to see all the available files, there are now 4 CM3 binaries; fbcpCropped, fbcpFilled, fbcpCroppedNoSleep, fbcpFilledNoSleep)
sudo systemctl stop fbcp[Filled/Cropped]
sudo cp fbcp[Filled/Cropped]NoSleep /usr/local/bin/fbcp[Filled/Cropped]
sudo systemctl start fbcp[Filled/Cropped]
To switch back, just replace the binary in /usr/local/bin/ with the version that doesn't have NoSleep.