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Card Fighters' Clash 2 Expand Edition

If you didn't already know, some guys translated Cardfighters' Clash 2 into English. It's pretty much 100% complete.

If you knew that, what you may not know is that there's also a Portugese translation out there, too. If you're interested in that, let me know. I don't know if it was ever officially released/completed, but I've talked to the guy that translated it.

Have you guys been playing the translation? What do you think?
Card Fighters' Clash 2 English Translation ( )
Neo Geo Pocket Flash Cart and Linker Project ( )
Avatar art thanks to Trev-Mun ( )
The ENG translation is very good, too bad they can't fix other program problems with the game though.
(02-26-2012, 10:21 AM)XianXi Wrote: The ENG translation is very good, too bad they can't fix other program problems with the game though.
Other problems? The AI, or lingering graphical ones like the "Cards Left in Hand / Deck / Discard" and when multiple cards are damaged by abilities or other cards before / after a fight?
No, the problems like certain abilities that just don't work. For example Ruby Heart has an enter ability that lets you play a second card. When she enters the ring it says "No effect" but when the CPU uses that card they play a 2nd card no problem. Also same with Yamazaki, sometimes you aren't able to freeze anyone and just get the "No effect". There are a few others that do that as well.
(03-02-2012, 10:23 AM)XianXi Wrote: No, the problems like certain abilities that just don't work. For example Ruby Heart has an enter ability that lets you play a second card. When she enters the ring it says "No effect" but when the CPU uses that card they play a 2nd card no problem. Also same with Yamazaki, sometimes you aren't able to freeze anyone and just get the "No effect". There are a few others that do that as well.

Do you know if these problems also exist in the Japanese version?

Doesn't "No effect" come up when there is an effect that can't happen for some reason? Maybe Ruby Heart's effect can only work with certain cards that you don't have. Maybe it's a translation problem.
Card Fighters' Clash 2 English Translation ( )
Neo Geo Pocket Flash Cart and Linker Project ( )
Avatar art thanks to Trev-Mun ( )
(03-03-2012, 02:04 AM)Flavor Wrote: Do you know if these problems also exist in the Japanese version?

Doesn't "No effect" come up when there is an effect that can't happen for some reason? Maybe Ruby Heart's effect can only work with certain cards that you don't have. Maybe it's a translation problem.

I can't get very far in the Japanese version as I don't know what I chose most times. But for the Ruby heart card, I tried using it with the same card that the computer always brings in and got the same "no effect" message. Kind of a big bummer as that's a pretty powerful game changing effect if it works properly.

Okay, so I found something interesting.

which is what many of the card translations were based from, it says this
"Special Ability: TRIANGLE Tag along: You can put down another character card
after playing her."

BUT over here
which is also a great resource where some translation info came from it says,
"If there is no one above 300 BP in your ring, place a 2nd character."

That is probably the issue here!
Card Fighters' Clash 2 English Translation ( )
Neo Geo Pocket Flash Cart and Linker Project ( )
Avatar art thanks to Trev-Mun ( )
(03-17-2012, 03:44 AM)Flavor Wrote: Okay, so I found something interesting.

which is what many of the card translations were based from, it says this
"Special Ability: TRIANGLE Tag along: You can put down another character card
after playing her."

BUT over here
which is also a great resource where some translation info came from it says,
"If there is no one above 300 BP in your ring, place a 2nd character."

That is probably the issue here!

That's very helpful. Now I know why Geese (H) doesn't work all the time. I need to place him in front of a character for it to work. I'll have to double check the Ruby Heart one though.

Thanks dude.
Okay, so I found some other issues while playing CFC2 English recently. I figured I should document these somewhere, so I don't forget about them before I get a chance to do something about them.

In the game, her ability says something like, "KO's everyone but this character..." but she only KO's one character.
The FAQ says, "KO's a single enemy character, then shuffle B.B.Hood into your deck."

The ability in the game and the FAQ match up.
"Disables enemy character's attack in next enemy turn."
However, I think this is poorly worded, because it seems like it may only disable one character's attack. It actually disables the opponent's entire attack for their upcoming turn.

His text is correct, but when he uses his ability to do 500 damage to a character, the text is garbled. It needs to be swapped from something like, "Did 500 damage to character" to "character took 500 damage"
Card Fighters' Clash 2 English Translation ( )
Neo Geo Pocket Flash Cart and Linker Project ( )
Avatar art thanks to Trev-Mun ( )
Shermie's is correct. It's supposed to basically skip your whole attack for 1 turn just like in the original CFC.

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