Joysticks psp-1000 needs additional board ?
(07-15-2020, 08:13 PM)Schombi Wrote: Hi,

I have unfortunately made a mistake with the order and ordered the following with it.
Are there any problems with this or can I still use this to install both PSP sticks?

Is there an overview how to solder this?
Freeplay CM3 L2R2 Dual Analog (4 ADC) Add-On Board
The two L/R buttons of the board I will unsolder from the board, otherwise it will hit the back wall. But I can also leave that if I know that I cannot use the board.

We are working to make this process a bit more obvious.  Boxy Pixel surprised us by releasing this new shell, and we are trying to get better information for customers.

We already did have this "Freeplay CM3 L2/R2 ADC Add-On Install Guide" documentation at 

I would suggest starting there.

We also have this "Freeplay CM3 L2R2 Boxy Pixel Dual Analog (4 ADC) Add-On Board" at
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RE: Joysticks psp-1000 needs additional board ? - by Flavor - 07-16-2020, 03:11 AM

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