I had to install i2cdetect:
Rebooted, and got the following:
Verifying that I2C is enabled through raspi-config, rebooted but still didn't see any devices connected to the bus. What's interesting is that listing the buses only shows this:
Trying with the `i2c1-bcm2708` lists the bcm2708 but the pi still sees no devices connected to it:
Could the i2c1_baudrate be affecting it somehow?
sudo apt install i2c-tools
Rebooted, and got the following:
pi@retropie:~ $ sudo i2cdetect 0
Error: Could not open file `/dev/i2c-0' or `/dev/i2c/0': No such file or directory
pi@retropie:~ $ sudo i2cdetect 1
WARNING! This program can confuse your I2C bus, cause data loss and worse!
I will probe file /dev/i2c-1.
I will probe address range 0x03-0x77.
Continue? [Y/n] Y
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
pi@retropie:~ $ raspi-gpio get
BANK0 (GPIO 0 to 27):
GPIO 0: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 1: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 2: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 3: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 4: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 5: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 6: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 7: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 8: level=0 fsel=1 func=OUTPUT pull=UP
GPIO 9: level=0 fsel=4 alt=0 func=SPI0_MISO pull=DOWN
GPIO 10: level=0 fsel=4 alt=0 func=SPI0_MOSI pull=DOWN
GPIO 11: level=0 fsel=4 alt=0 func=SPI0_SCLK pull=DOWN
GPIO 12: level=0 fsel=4 alt=0 func=PWM0_0 pull=DOWN
GPIO 13: level=0 fsel=4 alt=0 func=PWM0_1 pull=DOWN
GPIO 14: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 15: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 16: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 17: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 18: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 19: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 20: level=0 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=DOWN
GPIO 21: level=1 fsel=1 func=OUTPUT pull=DOWN
GPIO 22: level=1 fsel=1 func=OUTPUT pull=DOWN
GPIO 23: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 24: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 25: level=0 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=DOWN
GPIO 26: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 27: level=1 fsel=1 func=OUTPUT pull=DOWN
BANK1 (GPIO 28 to 45):
GPIO 28: level=1 fsel=2 alt=5 func=RGMII_MDIO pull=UP
GPIO 29: level=0 fsel=2 alt=5 func=RGMII_MDC pull=DOWN
GPIO 30: level=1 fsel=7 alt=3 func=CTS0 pull=UP
GPIO 31: level=1 fsel=7 alt=3 func=RTS0 pull=NONE
GPIO 32: level=1 fsel=7 alt=3 func=TXD0 pull=NONE
GPIO 33: level=1 fsel=7 alt=3 func=RXD0 pull=UP
GPIO 34: level=0 fsel=7 alt=3 func=SD1_CLK pull=NONE
GPIO 35: level=1 fsel=7 alt=3 func=SD1_CMD pull=UP
GPIO 36: level=1 fsel=7 alt=3 func=SD1_DAT0 pull=UP
GPIO 37: level=1 fsel=7 alt=3 func=SD1_DAT1 pull=UP
GPIO 38: level=1 fsel=7 alt=3 func=SD1_DAT2 pull=UP
GPIO 39: level=1 fsel=7 alt=3 func=SD1_DAT3 pull=UP
GPIO 40: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=NONE
GPIO 41: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 42: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 43: level=1 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 44: level=1 fsel=6 alt=2 func=SDA1 pull=UP
GPIO 45: level=1 fsel=6 alt=2 func=SCL1 pull=UP
BANK2 (GPIO 46 to 53):
GPIO 46: level=0 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 47: level=0 fsel=0 func=INPUT pull=UP
GPIO 48: level=0 fsel=4 alt=0 func=SD0_CLK pull=DOWN
GPIO 49: level=0 fsel=4 alt=0 func=SD0_CMD pull=DOWN
GPIO 50: level=0 fsel=4 alt=0 func=SD0_DAT0 pull=DOWN
GPIO 51: level=0 fsel=4 alt=0 func=SD0_DAT1 pull=DOWN
GPIO 52: level=0 fsel=4 alt=0 func=SD0_DAT2 pull=DOWN
GPIO 53: level=0 fsel=4 alt=0 func=SD0_DAT3 pull=DOWN
Verifying that I2C is enabled through raspi-config, rebooted but still didn't see any devices connected to the bus. What's interesting is that listing the buses only shows this:
pi@retropie:~ $ i2cdetect -l
i2c-1 i2c fe804000.i2c I2C adapter
pi@retropie:~ $ ls -l /sys/class/i2c-adapter/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Jul 17 00:04 i2c-1 -> ../../devices/platform/soc/fe804000.i2c/i2c-1
Trying with the `i2c1-bcm2708` lists the bcm2708 but the pi still sees no devices connected to it:
pi@retropie:~ $ i2cdetect -l
i2c-1 i2c bcm2835 (i2c@7e804000) I2C adapter
pi@retropie:~ $ sudo i2cdetect 1
WARNING! This program can confuse your I2C bus, cause data loss and worse!
I will probe file /dev/i2c-1.
I will probe address range 0x03-0x77.
Continue? [Y/n] Y
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f
00: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
10: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
20: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
30: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
40: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
50: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
60: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
70: -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Could the i2c1_baudrate be affecting it somehow?