CM3 sitting on my shelf
Glad if you can guide me how to transfer files via SSH from my pc to my cm3
Please see if this link answers your questions:
Is there a way to enhance the text and the brightness of menus?
So hard to read I have to tilt the screen to be able to read the text
Am I the only one having this problem?
Also before any game starts I get a white settings box
I want to disable this box and jump to the game without waiting
What is the option to get rid of this annoying thing
See if this answers your questions about the loading screen:
I’m really done with it and can’t go further more Sad((
I wish there could be a preconfigured Image file for freeplaytech devices CM3 with games and art , all configured to run
I’m now facing a problem with arcade games
They just refuse to launch and exit to the menu
Can I find a 64 gb image file
Setting arcade emulation in retropie (the software used in the cm3) requires specific emulators be used and specific rom set.

Please see this link for assistance.

While it might be nice to have an image that is ready to go for your specific needs that doesn’t really meet anyone else's needs. This project does provide the image changes that allow the hardware to work and the software to be updated.

Once you get your CM3 setup the way you like it, make sure to backup the image and keep it for your needs.
When i choose a game it just exits
How can i know what is going on
I want to run street fighter 3rd strike
Or even street fighter ii championship
When I switch to using finalburn 2012 the roms work
So it seems there is a problem with mame2003
I’m uninstalling it and re installing from source then checking
So what’s the alternative for mame2003 and 2003 plus
Both are not working , incase the reinstall didnt do the job
Also is there a faster way to scrape all the memory card at once
It will take ages to have it done
I’m doing the scraping now , wohoo video scrapping
Will try to finish then upload my own rom?

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