From a recent thread posted over at ASSEMbler:
Behold! the incredibly accurate Google translation....
I think it's the first PCB in the shop link that's required, ¥4980, or about £39.
If you download the .zip file there's a picture of part of the Slim's MoBo, showing the points you need to solder to. There's also some .exe files in there too, but I'm not sure what they're for; unless the USBFX2 board needs flashing?
I've always been interested in pulling an RGB signal from the Pocket, and this seems like the only available solution at the moment.
syoyumiso Wrote:Hello!
I can't speak English...sorry.
The method of outputting the screen of NGPC to PC using "Nisetoro capture" is developed.
It is Japanese.
What is prepared :
kamereon USBFX2
Neogeo Pocket Color(NEW!...Improved version)
Universal base
2*20 Pin header
2*20 Pin socket
It is not known that I am poor at electronics and it is detailed.
I'm sorry.
However, I would like to introduce.
Behold! the incredibly accurate Google translation....

I think it's the first PCB in the shop link that's required, ¥4980, or about £39.
If you download the .zip file there's a picture of part of the Slim's MoBo, showing the points you need to solder to. There's also some .exe files in there too, but I'm not sure what they're for; unless the USBFX2 board needs flashing?
I've always been interested in pulling an RGB signal from the Pocket, and this seems like the only available solution at the moment.