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Sega MegaDrive / Genesis Shock
Here's a bit of fun with two French guys playing Sega MegaDrive / Genesis, and getting shocked whenever they fail. Check out the video at the top [you can turn on English subtitles]. Below is a detailed explanation of this elaborate modification, along with code, the debug ROM and schematics. All in French, though.

That's CRAZY. I didn't read the entire writeup, but it seems like they had to hack the game ROMs to include the shock treatment. It was a bit painful to watch, but I finally enjoyed it when he played Sonic. Then you could really see how he modified his play to favor not being shocked.

Those guys have a bunch of other cool projects, too, it seems.
Card Fighters' Clash 2 English Translation ( )
Neo Geo Pocket Flash Cart and Linker Project ( )
Avatar art thanks to Trev-Mun ( )
Quote:That's CRAZY. I didn't read the entire writeup, but it seems like they had to hack the game ROMs to include the shock treatment. It was a bit painful to watch, but I finally enjoyed it when he played Sonic. Then you could really see how he modified his play to favor not being shocked.

I saw something similar years ago, though much simpler in its design [no coding, easy hardware modification without additional circuits]. Some guys took one of those things you strap on to train your abs. It gives you small jolts to make the muscles contract. They simply ran some wires from a Dreamcast controller, or the Puru Puru Pack, so that each time the controller would vibrate, this would trigger a shock. Then they played Dance Dance Revolution, which makes the controller vibrate each time you miss a step.
This new French one seems like a lot of time and effort went into something that they'll never want to play again. At least the ab stimulator thing sounds like it's not horribly unpleasant. Then maybe you could get other people to try it or whatever.

Anyway, yeah, it's interesting for sure. I just don't know if it's worth spending time developing something you (and everyone else) would hate to use.
Card Fighters' Clash 2 English Translation ( )
Neo Geo Pocket Flash Cart and Linker Project ( )
Avatar art thanks to Trev-Mun ( )
(10-17-2012, 01:26 AM)Flavor Wrote: This new French one seems like a lot of time and effort went into something that they'll never want to play again. At least the ab stimulator thing sounds like it's not horribly unpleasant. Then maybe you could get other people to try it or whatever.

I don't know about that. They made a video as well, and their reactions were pretty much the same. I think they cranked the power on the ab trainer all the way up. If you have a lot of body fat, you probably need a stronger jolt, and they didn't seem to have much fat at all. Haha. Crazy stuff, but fun to watch.

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