Adding more USBs, a fan, second trigger buttons, and hotkey to the Freeplay CM3
Alright Ed, I've got everything put back together.
I have wired bottom right to GPIO 40, bottom left to 41, and hotkey to 42.
If I'm reading your last reply correctly, I can go into that mk_arcade_joystick.conf file and find the line you speak of and just add in the three new GPIO pins?
For example:  mk_arcade_joystick_rpi map=4 gpio=4,17,6,5,19,26,16,24,23,18,15,14,-20,40,41,42

After that, will the controller setup detect the new buttons?.

I just want to make sure I have all my ducks in a row before I start trying to code this.  (never done this before)

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RE: Adding more USBs, a fan, second trigger buttons, and hotkey to the Freeplay CM3 - by sideshow801 - 02-03-2018, 08:12 PM

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