Freeplay Zero Build - thoughts and questions
Thank you so much for this reply, it's super informative. If you're willing, I might try to work on some improvements/scripts to help automate things for other users. None of the steps are difficult for anyone with terminal experience (I know you said it's for advanced users) but it might be nice to have one or two bash scripts people can run to take care of most of it.

Thanks for explaining why restart doesn't work. It's not a big deal, but it's good to understand what's happening behind the scenes.

I did the power switch mod and for now I am sticking with select as the hotkey. I tried it with the switch and it's ok but kind of awkward for me to use. If I come across a game where I am constantly hitting start/select during play, I will definitely switch over to the power switch. Luckily it's really easy to make that change. Thanks again.

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RE: Freeplay Zero Build - thoughts and questions - by sygyzy - 09-19-2017, 03:29 AM

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