Automatically writing screen brightness to disk
Hello, I use a old image and I had trouble to recover the good brightness too.
New image should be able to work the right way, BTW here is my workaround:
- Check if '/home/pi/Freeplay/setPCA9633/fpbrightness.val' exist.
- If it does, edit '/etc/rc.local' and add before 'python /home/pi/Freeplay/Freeplay-Support/' line :

/home/pi/Freeplay/setPCA9633/setPCA9633 --verbosity=0 --i2cbus=1 --address=0x62 --mode1=0x01 --mode2=0x15 --led0=PWM --pwm0=0x$(printf "%x\n" $(cat /home/pi/Freeplay/setPCA9633/fpbrightness.val)) > /dev/null

- Then restart.
Hope this will help Smile

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RE: Automatically writing screen brightness to disk - by Porcinus - 04-18-2019, 07:06 AM

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