I uploaded a new video with a new tileset. It's got nude statuary depicted. It's nothing explicit, but I went ahead and set the video to being age restricted just in case it isn't appropriate for everyone.
I have the beginning of saving/loading working. I am still figuring out what will ultimately need to be in the payload, but I have save rooms working and it retains the last weapon selected as well as bosses defeated.
The video also shows a new enemy type with special movement. It is not restricted by environmental obstacles and pursues the player in all directions.
I had been using an old version of Tiled and was very happy to learn about the newer world functionality when I upgraded. This allows me to build out worlds with rooms all on the same view in the tool, and I have put together a script to automatically manage exit mapping. Previously I was manually managing mapping from one exit to another, but now I only have to do that if the exits between 2 rooms are not adjacent in the world.
@KeiDash, thanks for your offer. I am not ready for external testing and feedback yet.