Joystick Driver Chip not found CM3 Build
Hello, thank you for the reply.

Here's a link to some photos of the build. I don't believe the soldering is the issue here because with a different SD card I'm running a fresh install of the Freeplay_CM3_Test-Retropie-4620051302 img and it will register all of my inputs using the analog sticks during setup and give the proper outputs of those, but it won't save that setup due to what I believe is the same driver issue that Weasel27 mentioned in their post "L2/r2 add on board error" which is strange to me.

The image giving these outputs is the Freeplay_CM3-and-Zero2_Test img, which so far was the only one that would natively work with my wifi adapter from Edimax.

I'd given up on the CM3 and Zero2 img since it won't register the chips and also doesn't have the brightness controller that the CM3Test4.6 has. It's been a rough back and forth between them both having different issues.

I can try resoldering it too if still looks like it might be an issue.

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RE: Joystick Driver Chip not found CM3 Build - by AusLynch17 - 04-19-2022, 10:54 AM

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