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Developer Bios
I've been asked to do an overview of the NGPC homebrew scene for a retro site here in the UK - - will be featuring a whistlestop tour of the best, or most notable, homebrew releases.

I thought it would be nice to put a few bios of the devs in there - would any of you lot like to give me a few words to pad out your entry?

@Loic, @Shicky256, @SodThor? @Flavor?
(04-19-2018, 06:38 AM)Ahchay Wrote: I've been asked to do an overview of the NGPC homebrew scene for a retro site here in the UK - - will be featuring a whistlestop tour of the best, or most notable, homebrew releases.

I thought it would be nice to put a few bios of the devs in there - would any of you lot like to give me a few words to pad out your entry?

@Loic, @Shicky256, @SodThor? @Flavor?
My real name's Nathan Misner, and my first NGPC game is called "Krezrobo". I really like the NGPC hardware because of the features it offers over similar consoles like the Game Boy. You don't have to deal with bank switching, sprite-per-scanline restrictions, or writing in assembly (Toshiba's C compiler is good enough for at least what I want to do). You also get a system font, two background layers, and an extremely useful C library courtesy of Ivan Mackintosh. It's a really fun system to develop for and I hope more people do after reading this article.
Thanks Nathan - I really enjoyed Krezrobo (even though it's a bit of a mouthful) and it's one of the games I'm singling out. I agree with you on all of the above Smile
I haven't done much for quite a while, but just in case anyone cares...

I'm Ed Mandy (AKA Flavor).
That's my very old site. Back in the day, I worked on the multiROM menu and the linker software that would transfer games to the cartridge.

Also years ago, I worked on an English translation hack for the Japanese-only sequel to one of the most beloved games on the NGPC, SNK Vs. Capcom Card Fighters 2 Expand Edition. (also see

That old development ultimately lead to the Neo Pocket Flash Masta hardware (at
Card Fighters' Clash 2 English Translation ( )
Neo Geo Pocket Flash Cart and Linker Project ( )
Avatar art thanks to Trev-Mun ( )
Cheers Ed

I just need to sort out the pics and website links and it should be up towards the end of next week. I'll let you know when the article goes live.
My turn,
Real name is Loïc Julien,
Neogeo Pocket is the only handheld I've ever developed for.
It's stick is really great makes it one of the best handheld.
I've only used assembly to develop game.

My first project was a Shufflepuck café like, followed by a Barbarian remake, and a Tetris (mainly to test the ability to play background animation using Thor's hicolor), though neither of them were really finished
After Ed released it's FlashMasta, I created some savegame fix.

I'm still working on a Nigeronpa translation, though a hard drive crash destroyed my latest, near finished, version and a part of my motivation Undecided

Didn't you do a game and watch LCD style game? Was that barbarian?

Hats off for doing everything in assembly
(04-22-2018, 07:45 AM)Ahchay Wrote: Didn't you do a game and watch LCD style game? Was that barbarian?

Hats off for doing everything in assembly

The game and watch game was called Olaf and was for compo.

The first sources I found on Jeff Frohwein's were written in assembly. I did my first C compilation for neo geo pocket last week ^^

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